Monday 3 October 2011

Who had day four

Whoever picked day four might of won the lottery yesterday.
I had eight hours ride time on the bike. My ass is so sore I can't put any pressure on it. I spent most of the time standing up.
We then had a downpour with huge gusts of wind and then to top it all off it hailed and lightening. Most kept going, it was brutal.I sat it out.

I didn't finish last night until two. My feet are too swollen and blistered that the hurt in my bike and running shoes.
I finished last night at two. Went back to my tent and discovered it was flooded. Not a good day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Sounds like you had a rough day yesterday. And then your tent flooded to top it off!! Keep plugging, Tony ... once you finish today, you are halfway there!!

  2. Hang in there Tony.
    Hope the weather and your body will be more cooperative today.

    Gavin & Caroline

  3. just think, how much worse can it get? it's all downhill (in a good way) from here:) That's 4 more Ironmans then most people will ever do in their lives.... we are all proud to know ya either way:)

  4. Buddy - I guess I should be praying for day 5!!!

  5. Tony you are halfway there! You are two better than your triple ironman that you did! Good thing you went well-prepared. Haha! Wishing you the best of luck and continue to take it one day at a time. Stay focused!

  6. Tony .. Kim, Rosy and I are watching your results today. Looks like your bike time was much better than yesterday so hopefully that means the weather is much better! Go Tony!

  7. Slow and steady Tony- swim/bike/run/eat/rest ...... repeat. You are doing awesome!!!

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