Friday 30 September 2011

What the hell was I thinking

Day one officially over. Very few people speak English, so don't take any stats I tell you as gospel. They say I finished in 13:20. I was hoping to be slower than that. There was lots of surprises along the way today.
They take you to the pool in the morning that's 6km's in the neighboring town. The pool is way down in a valley. Your then expected to ride your bike back through these crazy streets and traffic that's not big enough for one car let alone two. The bike and the run are suppose to be on a race track, but today there was a ferrarri show so we couldn't use the race track for the bike. They decided that we would bike 6km's out, turn around and ride 6 back. Lots of hills. So we started out riding uphill to get back to the race start and then finished the rest of the 180 on more hills. It was stinking hot, I was told that I had one more lap of the bike to do, so I decided to hammer it. When I got back he said he was wrong and I needed to do another. After the race we find out that he was wrong and everyone has gone too far.
Started the run, tried to go slow. I ran 25 k then one of the experienced guys asked me what I was doing. I had passed some people on the track twice. I asked someone the time, if I kept that up I would have finished way too early. Don't want to pay for it all week. I walked run slowly the last 15.
Locked up both my calf muscles on the swim. The water is over my mouth in the shallow end and I'm used to grabbing the wall then turning around. The wall at both ends of the pool are 2feet high and have platforms on them. Kicking off the wall is hard if I can't grab the wall and turn.

It's like 12o'clock. I'm full and salt and have no shower. I'm gonna crawl into my tent and die, til tomorrow. I just pray all body parts work tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. OMG Tony!!! Hopefully the swim will seem easier tomorrow now that you know what to expect...and a car show!?! What the heck! Hope things run smoother tomorrow - we're all cheering for you here - even our kids are telling their friends about the guy who's doing the 'deca'! Sweet dreams tonight :)

  2. Glad to hear you made it through the first day. Hope you get a good nights sleep and I'll be checking on you from BC.

  3. ok, so first day not exactly as planned but the beauty of it is there is no plan really....just do go with the flow, keep your spirits up... you've accomplished 10% of your goal already! Hope you rest well.

  4. now time for pasta and protein and some sleep!

  5. Happy to hear your first day is done .. hopefully tomorrow will be a better day now that you know how things work. Doesn't sound like you slowed down .... and you wonder why I won't go running with you :)! Sleep well Tony and good luck on Day 2!

  6. YAY! you're alive (the most important part) Mindy says "don't die" instead of "good luck".... Just keep safe, and now that all the kinks are worked out, you'll be sailing smoothly the rest of the week:)

    What day are you rockin the tuxedo shirt?

  7. Day 1 check. By the time you read our posts you'll have completed Day 2. Way to go!

  8. the worst has to be over, it can only get better and hopefully shorter. goodluck

  9. A little news from home. Janet joined the group for coffee this morning. Scott was able to convince the doctors to allow her to come home for the weekend, but she's not ready to be home for good yet. She has to go back to Windsor to do re-hab. She looked good and her spirit is good. Hope day 2 was better for you.
