Thursday 29 September 2011

Let's get this thing started

It's the day before the race so I might as well blab on and on because after today I think my free time will be limited.
The group went out for dinner last night. I have never seen so much food and wine. The meal lasted over two hours and believe it or not, I could not finish my meal. The owner told us that he would give us a sample of Sicilian food and that everyone should order one thing off the menu. I ordered a pizza that was bigger than a large one from home. The waiter dropped off 7 platters of brushetta, 7 platters of various cheese and meats, platter of buffalo mozzarella, platter of grilled vegetables with olive oil, platter of fried cheeses and vegetables and quiches galore. They had this dish that was cheese and prochuto wrapped in mash potato and breaded, then deep fried. Each one was the size of a huge baked potato.
They put a bottle of red wine between 4 people and constantly replaced it when it was empty. Unbelievable Meal......

My strategy for tomorrow is too keep a slow pace and try to come in around 15 hours. I start at 7:30 so I should be done around 10:30. They are 6 or 7 hours ahead of our time zone.
I'm trying to finagle a pillow and blanket for tomorrow. Did not sleep good. Karen gave me a little blow up mattress. She's a tiny little girl. It blows up one inch and it's the size of a small surf board and not wide. I kept rolling off.

My camping neighbors have now added dinning tents and rooms onto their caravans and trailers. My one neighbor has an expresso machine. They have crates of stuff for the ten days. Fluids, various gels,bars, powdered protein, three pairs of shoes and the list goes on and on.
I have my small tent, a jar of Vaseline for my bikes sores and a suitcase.
I didn't want to look like an amateur so I told them I was a minimalist.
I'm somewhat anxious to get the race started, the more I look at everyone preparedness and supplies the more worrisome I get.

As they say in Italy...... Chow....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. wow I'm sure you got to Italy faster than I was able to navigate through google and blogging to figure out how to post a comment....but i made it and glad to see you did too. Nice flag ...GO CANADA... do us proud.I can't believe you were served a meal you couldn't finish..will wonders never cease? looking for the clothesline to dry the ONE underwear that you brought due to luggage restrictions....One more sleep 'til take-off. thinkin' of 'ya and prayin' all will go well. Remember we want to hear from you everyday or we'll send out the authorities!

  2. Hope you have a great first day followed by 9 more.

    Gavin & Caroline

  3. Tony ... your blog was the talk of the office today. Watching you eat constantly for the past 6 months, it's funny to think you couldn't finish your meal! Sounds like your neighbours brought lots of gear ... how many times did we say to you .. shouldn't you be bringing more stuff??!! LOL. Best of luck tomorrow as you start your race .. we are all pulling for you!!!

  4. Praying for you. Enjoy this challenge. Do us all proud. We are rooting for you.

  5. you are one crazy bugger!!! You make the rest of us look normal:) Go get em!!
    Remember to put air in your tires everyday!! I'd hate to hear you were rolling around on 100psi each day:) haha:)
    good luck bud:)

  6. Tony, I look forward to your stories that you will have after this adventure. You're the only person I know that will finish this. You're not crazy, you're just looking for something to push you to your limits, and i don't think that this will take you that far. Keep searching, the adventure is not the destination, but the journey. Godspeed.
