Friday 14 October 2011

Dropped off the face of the earth

Sorry but after the race Internet connections have been spotty at best.
Everyone is wondering if I stayed another night in the tent and how am I feeling physically.
The last day of the race was freezing cold then we had a downpour and winds that were wild. Most had to stop racing because you could barely stand up. There was one guy still on the bike. He had to change to a mountain bike and it still looked like he was fighting a losing battle. A few kept running because the were in contention for title spots. I was not that devoted. When the rain stopped, I had to borrow a winter coat and winter gloves to complete the run walk.
After the finish line, I had some alcohol and emailed home. It was about 3:30 in the morning. Too late to get hotel, so I decided to go back to my tent one more time. When I got there it was flooded and everything was floating. I borrowed the massage table at the race and put it in my tent. It's basically to long for the tent and I'm pretty well laying face to face with the roof. At this point I'm tired and injured so sleep is what I want. The storm picked up in the night and my roof blew off twice. The second time it happened in had no strength or energy to go get it. I lay there with the rain pouring down upon me, freezing cold. It was a terrible night.
Next day they had the awards ceremony, lots of good food, warm and dry. The race director said he had a place for me to stay, in his home town 25 minutes away. His aunt passed away last year and she has a top floor terrace apartment in the middle of town. Its around 1800 sq ft and has 10 foot ceilings and panoramic views of the town and the mountains. Two other competitors are staying with me until Wednesday.
On Tuesday we went to Mount Edna, yes my feet are killing me a are heading to a mountain top. Not only going to a mountain but we have to climb up it.

My feet are not good. They are still very swollen and my big toes has puss constantly running out of it. My sandals barely fit. The bottom of my sandals are constantly wet with fluid. It has been 4 days since the race and I can't willingly move either one of my large toes. My baby toes have no toenails.
After the mountain tour we went to an outlet mall. My feet were so sore that I had to be pushed in a wheelchair because the pain was so unbearable. There was a Ferrarri display of a car. Jose and Roberto pushed my wheelchair on the other side of the car and took numerous photos of me. They thought it was hilarious. I wasn't so amused. I had chocolate jelato from the Lindt store. Best thing I ever had. My two room mates left the next day, I went sight seeing with Angelo (a helper from the race). We went to the sea. They have tons of lava, quite a sight.

We then went to a place called Torromina. They history and the architecture of the buildings are a sight to see.

Unfortunately, everywhere I went had lots of stairs. I think this is gods way of getting even with me for all the stupid things I do.
So, I have eaten a lot of cannoli, capuchinos, expressos, local granita, jellato, wine, pizza, pasta and tons of fresh breads. What ever scilcily has offered, I have eaten. When you order a pizza in Italy, the whole pizza is for one person, not three. Plus it come with an order of French fries, beer, wine, and other Italian side dishes.

As far as my health goes, it's not bad considering what I put my body through. Every time I blow my nose it full of blood, it has been that way since the end of the race. I have put pins in my big toes 5 to 6 times a day in order to drain them. They still hurt and
Will most likely take time to heal.
I am truly grateful that I made it through this event in my life. Looking back at it, I honestly don't know how I held on. It was definitely the toughest thing I have ever done. Everyone asks me why I had to do this. I honestly don't have a good answer to that question. It was a huge challenge, but I do believe we are all possible of doing things that others say are impossible. I think it is our fear that limits our imagination.

So what's next.......... Nothing on the horizon, time to heal and spend some well deserved time with my family. I'm presently on a flight to London England to see my relatives for a week. I will be home next Friday on the 21st.

Lastly I would like to thank everyone for the kind words of inspiration that you gave me. It meant so much to me everyday. I'm also grateful for all my friends that I trained with this year and the cycle group that I rode with and depended on so much this year. The journey is often as satisfying as the race.
Again, thanks so much.

Sunday 9 October 2011


It's like 1o'clock in the morning and I'm finally finished. It was a struggle of a day but it's all over now.
The bike started with a storm, then a downpour with about 40km's to go. I ended up putting duck tape on both of my saddles sores. It wasn't the ideal solution but it got me through the day. I started the run, then we had a tropical storm so bad it was impossible to stand up outside. My pup tent(home), blew down the street. It's now flooded one more time.
I ended up sitting and eating lasagna for 1 1/2 hour while I waited it out.

It finally over, I'm now drinking champagne, wine and beer. I never can decide which I missed more.

I got a picture of me coming across the finish line with the Chatham Cycling jersey on.
I want to thank everyone for all the kind words that was said on my behalf. I felt the pressure of everyone watching, but it also kept me motivated.
Sometimes, it was all that kept me going.

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Saturday 8 October 2011

And on the last day there will be no rest for the wicked.

Can't believe this after the day I had yesterday, but I'm in the hotel lobby waiting for the bus to come yet one more time.
I know I can swim, I don't know if I can ride a bike again and I don't know if I can walk down the street, let alone 42 kms.
I do know I'm gonna try.
I have come too far and trained too much to through in the towel know. This is easy for me to type at the moment because I'm presently sitting down and not moving.

I will try to think of everyone today and muster up some sort of a miracle.

I will post when I'm done, finish or not. You are 6 hours ahead of us, luckily because I have a feeling this could be the longest day in my life.

Got to go, the bus has arrived.

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No guarantee for tomorrow

Today was the day from hell. It was raining when we got on the bus. It then stopped and turned real gusty all day. I have a tear in my ass and it is impossible for me to make it around on lap sitting down. They gave me a new seat with a smaller profile. Still can not sit on seat. Spent most of day standing or peddling 4 strokes then coasting. Very frustrating. I could of cried. Took me forever to finish. My foot is too big for the bike shoes and my toe I throbbing.
The toe is so tender that the slightest touch makes me scream. I walked the marathon in my oversized shoes, shoes are now too tight. I put on my sandals and taped them to my feet so I could fi ish the second half. It 1:10 in the morning and I just got done. My ass hurts and my feet are killing me. Don't know if I could repeat another day like today. Hoping maybe that adrenaline will kick in. My foot even throbs when I swim in the pool.

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Luckily I'm not showing you pictures of my ass.

Question now is what to do. Things are really stacking up quick.
The swim I can manage. I don't know if I could do another excrustiating bike and run. I'm going to bed.

Friday 7 October 2011

And God said, let it rain

Waiting for the bus this morning. It has been pouring all night, and is suppose to continue all day. Just peachy.

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Day Eight

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Today was terribly windy all day. The trees were bent over and it never let up. Everyone was so nice in there comments yesterday after my hard time on the bike. Today I decided to represent everyone and wear the Canada bike shirt. I kept my head down and tried not to think too much. I even took time today to have a shower, shave and put in my contacts after the swim. I felt like a person again.
Finished the day with a painful walk of 42km's. Lots of blisters under my feet and in between toes. I try to bust the every morning before the swim.

Today I put orajel on my saddle sores to numb the pain. I also wore three pairs of bike shorts. It still hurt, but not as much.

Please God, let me survive two more days.
They weight the athletes everyday. They can't figure out why I weighted 61kilos when I got here, this morning I weighted in at 65.5

Thursday 6 October 2011

Day 7, it's 11:30 and i still have 10kms to go

Buy far my toughest day. Legs feel like cement, bike won't go fast enough. Ran out of steam at 140k. Had to cut my bike shoe again to relieve pressure.
Took my sock off last night, my whole toenail was in it.

Things are not good. I'm exhausted and can't guarantee the next three days.
The later I finish the less sleep I get and the more tired I am.

I would like to reply to everyone but time is so limited. I haven't had a second to shave or put in a pair of contacts. I wake up and go in the morning still in my run clothes from the night before. It cold and damp in my tent and I can't see anything till daylight.

I think I'm blabbering on an on, haven't really got a good train of thought.

The best part of my day is emailing home and checking your comments.

I told Andrew, he better start praying.

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