Thursday 6 October 2011

Day 7, it's 11:30 and i still have 10kms to go

Buy far my toughest day. Legs feel like cement, bike won't go fast enough. Ran out of steam at 140k. Had to cut my bike shoe again to relieve pressure.
Took my sock off last night, my whole toenail was in it.

Things are not good. I'm exhausted and can't guarantee the next three days.
The later I finish the less sleep I get and the more tired I am.

I would like to reply to everyone but time is so limited. I haven't had a second to shave or put in a pair of contacts. I wake up and go in the morning still in my run clothes from the night before. It cold and damp in my tent and I can't see anything till daylight.

I think I'm blabbering on an on, haven't really got a good train of thought.

The best part of my day is emailing home and checking your comments.

I told Andrew, he better start praying.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPadu


  1. Hey Tony
    I am praying for safety and health. You knew this was going to be the hardest part of the race... it always is. I think there is a scripture in Isaiah which talks about mounting up on wings like an eagle. I pray you find your wings to carry you to the finish line!!!
    WHat ever happens we are all amazed at your commitment and fortitude!!!
    be safe and assured of my prayers for you - Remember "I care!"

  2. Tony .... We so proud of you no matter what happens!!! We are praying too for your safety! You are doing absolutely amazing, my friend!! Please take care of yourself!!!

  3. Buddy,

    You won't get prayers from me. I am thinking about you and wish you the best. Swollen feet, toenails, ass sores...surface stuff. Just don't hurt yourself. Promise me if it gets there, you will beg out. Pride and principle are expensive emotions to carry around, pal.

    I want you safe and, in spite of what you may think, it IS all about me.

    Take care friend,

  4. Hi Tony I have been thinking of you all day . Will say a prayer for you to get thru this. Hey you don't have to run with us anymore on saturdays. Just show up for coffee. You have more then earned it.


  5. Wow. The race sounds tough.

    I hope you will get through the race in good health! Getting through 7 ironmans is no easy feat. I'm still proud of your accomplishment so far!

    Take care of yourself my friend.


  6. Ahhh...your toenail was in your sock...gross!

    I'm amazed everyday when I look at your blog and see that you've completed another day - absolutely amazing Tony!!!

  7. In 7 days you have done more Ironmans than I have done in my life.
    I have no idea how you are doing this.
    Keep it going!

  8. There is so much to say......... Overall be SAFE....we care about you not what you can do.

  9. Dude, every morning when i log on and see you are still going and still ALIVE, i shake my head and chuckle at your pure psychotic undertaking.... I know how to get them ambition to do 1 Ironman, but to do 2,3,4, ....10!? You've got some inner drive that is truly 1 in a billion. Just remember, you still have to get yourself home!! I think we all worry about your safety first and foremost and I would never tell you to i know it carries a sting with it. But like you told me once upon a time, life goes on, and people are still impressed with the courage it takes to even try. So....take stock of your situation and do what is right for you. We are all proud and amazed and happy that we can call this "nut job Tony" our friend... and rmember, it's all about JIM!! haha:) That will help get you through the day:)

  10. Your drive is amazing. I have no concept of what you are going through. What ever you decide remember it has to be what is best for you.
    You have accomplished more than most would dare!
