Saturday, 8 October 2011

And on the last day there will be no rest for the wicked.

Can't believe this after the day I had yesterday, but I'm in the hotel lobby waiting for the bus to come yet one more time.
I know I can swim, I don't know if I can ride a bike again and I don't know if I can walk down the street, let alone 42 kms.
I do know I'm gonna try.
I have come too far and trained too much to through in the towel know. This is easy for me to type at the moment because I'm presently sitting down and not moving.

I will try to think of everyone today and muster up some sort of a miracle.

I will post when I'm done, finish or not. You are 6 hours ahead of us, luckily because I have a feeling this could be the longest day in my life.

Got to go, the bus has arrived.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. :)

    I hope when you see this smiley face you're a deca ironman

  2. Goin' to Pastor Andrew's church this we gonna' get the whole congregation prayin'.....and God is gonna' give you some wings!!!Believe.....

  3. Just said a prayer for you Tony ... sending you strength to help you get through just one more day .... you are almost there my friend! Unbelievable!!

  4. it's thanksgiving morning at church. I am thankful you are still standing and have come this far. I have been praying for you and will continue to pray that you reach the finish line. No matter what, I think you have provided us all with some inspiration - and maybe a few sermon illustrations!!!

    Be safe, take care of those feet, see you soon,

  5. Mr IRON MAN you have done so much the last 9 days to stop now. I am sure you have another day in you. Hey just think you get to sleep in on the 11th day even tho you will have trouble walking the next few days. Time pass's and will will get to that finish line I am sure.

  6. Day 10!!! Good luck Tony! No matter what happens you know you put everything you have into this and we are all proud of you! Way to represent Canada and our little community of Chatham!

  7. a message for you from Geoff Clement who is having trouble posting a comment - he says "go get 'em Tony!" - with a British accent of course!

  8. Stubbornly persist, and you will find that the limits of your stubbornness go well beyond the stubbornness of your limits. ~Robert Brault,

    Came across this- thought of Tony immediately. Day ten pal- your strength, determination and perseverance are highly regarded!

    Stay safe. - Helen

  9. Hey Tony ... Kathy, Rosaire and Dan were all texting me asking about you last night and this morning.. they can't get in to the blog to post. Kath wanted me to tell you that you are a real trooper and she is thinking of you. Rosy said he is praying for you and cant believe your determination. Dan said he wished he could have gotten in to keep you laughing. Stay safe buddy!

  10. Tony I checked and you have finished the swim and bike today. Down to the end now. You must have some everready battery implants in those legs. Keep it going on the run/walk. Thinking you deserve a big party when you get home. We will want to here what you have planned next.

  11. Way to go Tony, I know you can do it. Still think you are crazy but hope you complete this and then have a wonderful vacation. Wish I was there with you. Stay safe bro

  12. Hi Tony


    And thank you for not sharing pictures of your ass.

